Monday, April 28, 2008


I have a nice little "corner" office with no windows, a small filing cabinet where I keep... nothing, a long L-shaped desk, two shelves and a broken "guest" chair.

Unfortunately, because my office is so little, my "guest" chair sits snuggly between the filing cabinet and the door and under my shelves.

This has seemed to cause a problem for those who do not move the chair out before sitting down. First they bend over and begin their momentary booty free fall toward the chair which ends up being much lower than they had expected. Once that wave of shock has passed, they then make a quick comment with a smile that they weren't expecting such a low chair.

This is not where their embarrassment ends, but only where it begins.

You see, the shelves are somewhat low and this wasn't a problem until I received my broken chair (actually, I do not remember the origin of the chair. I just know that it has appeared in my office as many people find solace in venting their frustrations to me and they needed somewhere to sit. This is when the stork magically bore me a chair).

Once said person has free fallen to their seat, they immediately lean back and ram their head into the corner of the bottom shelf. Sometimes they laugh it off, sometimes they ignore it and continue, and sometimes they react angrily.

This scenario plays itself out at least three times a week, if not more.

The shelf corner is rounded and therefore does not pierce through to the soft brain matter, but it hurts nonetheless.

Most recently, the founder of the company has reenacted my chair to shelf dance once on Friday and once this morning, even though I warned him ahead of time.

He then became flustered and, not realizing that when he had entered my office he had not fully opened the door, turned and ran smack into the door.

In all reality, it's kind of funny. I know, I'm going to hell for that.

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