Monday, March 31, 2008

What the Frick!

So, I have had my car since 2002 and it's been a great car! Except...

Well, okay, so this could be user error and the user if very aware of that fact, but... well... I seem to be having issues closing the hood of my car...

Yes! I know!! This is not a good thing when you are driving down the highway at 70mph on a windy day and all of a sudden you look at the hood and it's doing a dance that only conjures great fears in the very depths of your being!

Yesterday, the boy toy and I were having a lovely day of spring cleaning that involved finally getting the extra bedroom back (if it wasn't deemed the workout room, it was definitely an oversized closet) as well as our garage and organizing the brand new shelves we put in our closet!

The boy toy asked for some Mountain Dew and promised that while I was away fetching said mountainy thirst quencher he would finish sweeping the garage (my duty).

When I got to the local Wallgreen's I picked up some windshield wiper fluid as mine was gone and the road grime had reached an all-time disgusting thickness that made it impossible to see when the sun shown brightly in my eyes. Yeah, I know... We don't need to call in Myrtle the Safety Turtle on this one. I'm well aware of my hazardous state.

Anyway, after a funny incident with the cashier who seemed to think, although my two items did not fit in a bag and had to be carried by hand, that the receipt should go in a big, plastic bag (... huh?!) I started on my merry little way home, happy that I had remembered to pick up the extra item.

Upon returning to my humble abode, I promptly filled my windshield wiper fluid tank to the brim without spilling a drop! I then SLAMMED the hood down, as I have always done because that is the best way to know if the darn thing is locked in place nice and tight!

And I thought it was.

This morning I was running late (although I don't know how that is different from any other morning) when I noticed that the hood was bouncing like crazy! I about shat myself because in the past month this is not the first time this has happened.

Okay, let's back track for a sec. Although it has happened a whopping 3 TIMES in the past month or so, it had NEVER happened before!

Back to present.

I had to pull over on the side of the road to pop the hood and then re-SLAM it into locked position. This time it took and everything was fine.

The boy toy thinks the issue is an aging car with a bent latch.

It better bend back if it knows what's good for it!!!

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