Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Packin on the Pounds

Well, I have been in search of a dress for my friend's upcoming wedding which I am to partake in (in a very small role yet still need to match for the sake of the day).

On Sunday, my dear, sweet boyfriend decided to go with me to the mall to find a dress. I hate dress shopping because of a few reasons:

A) It always seems as though the dress I picture in my mind is PERFECT! and when I get to the stores, no one has this imaginary dress and I end up spending hours of a perfectly good day amongst screaming children and loud teenagers.
B) If I find this magical dress, I always feel fat.
C) This is a weird one, but the lighting in the mall always makes me feel tired and irritable.

Well, needless to say I went home feeling defeated by the dress selection and have decided to resume my shopping tonight, this time with a good friend for moral support.

I can't tell if my expectations are too high and my budget is too low or if I truly just do not want to buy this dress and therefore have placed a mental wall between me and shopping!

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