Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wedding Registries and All That Etiquette Jazz

Yes, I'm well aware that every time I start a new post I am most likely apologizing for my lack of something to say. What can I say? If I've been this busy at work, I must be doing something right... otherwise I would be joining the other half of my company that was, well, released.

Anyway, I have a question for my two, maybe three, readers. The finance and I have put together our registries with much love and maybe a few joke items (c'mon Snuggie!). I have been dreaming of a new camera for about two years now. And I'm not talking about a point and shoot. No. I have my little eye on something a grade or two above. However, this comes with a price tag that exceeds my camera budget (of $5). Hey, I's broke.

Since the finance and I have lived together for quite some time and since I have been the proud owner of a townhome since May of 2006 (Anyone in the market for a townhome?), we have accumulated most of the necessary items and therefore were at a loss of affordable items to place on our registries. In fact, for the past year I have been avoiding buying certain items because I knew we would have this problem. Still, our choices are ending up sitting on the higher side of the price tag subject.

So, is it wrong of me to place this expensive little prize on our registry?

Is it bad etiquette?

It will benefit the both of us in the end. I'm salivating just at the though of having this beauty in my hands! Otherwise, I may take some of that glorious cash people seem to talk about and buy a used Nikon or Canon DSLR.

Second question: If you know anything about digital SLR cameras - Do you prefer Nikon or Canon? Why?

1 comment:

Brady said...

Sounds like a group gift to me.