Monday, March 23, 2009

Rainy Monday Bliss

Rainy days make me feel one of two things, either A) hungry or B) sleepy.

Today, I feel both and to top it off I had no one to go to lunch with and ended up eating a rather delicious microwave meal of cheesy potatoes and broccoli with some sugar free (wouldn't have it any other way) raspberry chocolate pudding. In fact, as I am typing I am attempting to secretly lick the cup.

I'm feeling pretty good because I completed my first ever 8K with a time that I feel was pretty good for my first try (okay, so I ran a 10:35 mile, but for the first race of the year and having only run outside one time... the day before the race, I'll call that good. Plus it gives me a time to beat).

*Warning: Slightly off-subject material to follow*

Last week I decided to make plans for an early dinner and a movie with some friends on Friday and wanted to check out this new wine bar that opened a few months ago. I was a little scared that I may be dragging them into the depths of food hell and since the place is so new that it had no website, I was on a mission to find some reviews that weren't related to the restaurant that used to be in the same space.

Well, I found my review and it turned out to be even better than that (the review, that is) because it's an entire blog of EVERYTHING in the south metro! The writer is a little crass, but highly entertaining and he reviews everything from city council meetings to restaurants. So, on my sleepy, starving afternoon I have been attempting to read some of his entries and learn a little more about the place that I live (and find some good date night adventures).

The jury is still out on whether I always agree with the writer or not, but it's always worth exploring another point of view, isn't it?

So for your reading pleasure, I give you this...

Also, were you aware that hotel room pricing is highly negotiable? Man, I am the most under-traveled person in the world!

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