Friday, September 26, 2008

Go Go Gadget Wedding Planner

I was having a convo with my pops the other night about my habits when planning an event or doing a project. Unfortunately, he has me figured out and I'm terrified of my own terrible trends.

I was on my way home from doing some much needed and loved volunteer work and I called the old dad to see what was going on in his life.

As usual, all talk turned to the wedding and I began to tell him all of the things that I have accomplished this week. He responded in awe that I wasn't procrastinating, but then caught himself and said, "Well, you usually do well in the beginning, but then procrastinate at the end".

It is true. He knows me too well.

I just keep thinking to myself that if I can get everything started, at the very least, I can probably get most of my checklist and projects done or close to it before the stress builds and the procrastination sets in.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Liar's Remorse

I recently had to work at an event for my job. Although it was a Sunday, I was kind of excited because it was at a place that me, myself, and I had done the design and I would be able to answer any and all questions about my work. Big self-esteem builder!

Unfortunately, people are pretty unpredictable and instead of asking "safe" or "appropriate" questions, they will dive right in for the juicy gossip and opinions even though they don't know me. With that comes the obvious, and as we all know if we have been reading any part of this blog previously, I HATE the company I work for and I wish I could broadcast it to the world with every single detail so everyone would know to avoid this place if they are looking for employment! However, I need my job at this point because I am what we call, um, poor.

Let me give you an example of one of the many forms of a particular question that came up and I had to answer while choking and gagging at my own response.

"So, do you like working there?"

What do you think I'm going to say? No matter what my feelings, I don't know you from Adam!!! I'm not going to divulge my pure, unadulterated hated for my job when I'm there to be promoting the very services that bring in my paycheck every week!!!!

Every time I must answer in a very sweet yet believable tone, "Oh yes!! It is wonderful! I get to work on something new every single day!" This usually leaves them satisfied and then they walk away. Meanwhile, I'm in the corner puking my guts out and wondering if I should wash my mouth out with soap because of my profanity!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Exhaustion Ain't Fun

I'm engaged!

I'm obviously very excited about this next adventure in my life, yet I still have a billion other responsibilities to tend to that are not wedding related. Work is amazingly bizarre lately and the amount of random projects that I have to work on never seem to cease.

To top everything off, I have an insane schedule for touring possible reception locations. This is leading me to have to leave work at a normal hour instead of my usual 10-12 hour days.

I can definitely understand why people get planners!!

However, I'm still really excited!