Friday, September 26, 2008

Go Go Gadget Wedding Planner

I was having a convo with my pops the other night about my habits when planning an event or doing a project. Unfortunately, he has me figured out and I'm terrified of my own terrible trends.

I was on my way home from doing some much needed and loved volunteer work and I called the old dad to see what was going on in his life.

As usual, all talk turned to the wedding and I began to tell him all of the things that I have accomplished this week. He responded in awe that I wasn't procrastinating, but then caught himself and said, "Well, you usually do well in the beginning, but then procrastinate at the end".

It is true. He knows me too well.

I just keep thinking to myself that if I can get everything started, at the very least, I can probably get most of my checklist and projects done or close to it before the stress builds and the procrastination sets in.

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