Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hope you liked the naked story!

I forgot to tell you a little story about this weekend, or more specifically Sunday afternoon, that made my day.

Due to my weaknesses and my desire to keep my job, I agreed to give up my weekends to work at a couple of model homes that my company did landscaping for during the Parade of Homes.

I actually enjoyed it because the builders that I worked with were very pleasant and the people touring the homes were very interested in what I had to say. Unfortunately, last weekend was the final weekend.

Whilst working at one of the models on Sunday I, being stationed in the basement, was watching a riveting episode of Planet Earth when I hear two middle-aged women beginning their decent to the "underworld" where I was ready to greet them. But I could not greet them as I began to hear the conversation that they were already partway through.

", I decided to go shut the front door before going to bed. And I mean I was BUTT NAKED. When I got to the door I looked up and there were a bunch of (my son's) friends our yard!" said woman number one.

"Oh no!" cried woman number two.

"I know! They screamed and I screamed and then I ran out of the room" said woman number one as she laughed hysterically.

"Did you tell (your son)?"

"Oh sure!"

"What did he say?!"

"He just laughed..."

At this point I was blushing furiously and glancing down at the granite counter top and trying to hide behind the bar stools as much as possible. Both women looked up and greeted me happily as though nothing had happened and began to inspect the HUGE big screen TV and the gruesome murder scene that was playing out between a small fox and some baby snow geese.

Once they had completed their tour they proceeded to ask me a few questions, take some brochures and move back towards the stairs.

At that moment, one of them looked back and said, "Thanks! Hope you liked the naked story!"

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