Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm tired, so tired

It's that time of the year again where my life becomes work and that's that. Already I have been putting in 10+ hour days and my energy level is zapped. It's been difficult to even attempt to go work out afterward, yet I must to keep my insanely cheap rates (thank you health insurance even though that's about all you are good for).

I always knew that I should cherish my years in grade school when I was set free for a few months each year to enjoy the sun and friends because some day I would have to work and not sit on the deck and tan my intensely white skin into a deep, skin cancerish bronze. Instead of riding my bike precariously through the streets for hours at a time. Instead of being booked solid for the day with soccer practice, games and camps. Instead of running through the sprinklers and the napping lazily on our front porch swing. Instead of taking the (yet to become fiance's) jet-ski around the lake until getting yelled at because it was about to run out of gas.

Now I work... and work... and work. And the fiance works about ten times more than I do. If this is being an adult, I quit!

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