Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ode to Taraccino

I once worked for a coffee shop, in my little college town, that was the best job I have ever had.

I opened bright and early and everyone who came in for their morning fix was grateful for the dedication of each employee who awoke bright and early to bake muffins and scones and brew their coffee.
I became close with all of the regulars and was able to make their drinks upon the sight of their car pulling into the parking lot. They would sit around all day studying, reading the paper, catching up with friends, or just plain people watching.

I knew about their spouses/significant others, their children, their jobs, their woes, their joys.

I was tipped generously and complimented to no end.

I loved this job.

I found out through the grapevine not too long ago that this place has gone bankrupt. The owner lost his stores, the roastery, and his home.

Oh Taraccino, you were always my backup plan if I ever became so depressed that I could no longer go on in my landscaping ways.

You will be missed.

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