Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Sphincter Says What?

Yesterday was the dreaded meeting and although the topics of conversation were not what I had expected, the message I had expected was loud and clear.

The message is as follows:

'We are whores for money. We will do anything to place large stacks of green paper in our pockets. If a salesman is dropping the ball it is okay because that person is the one who brings in the money. We will blame you for their problems. If you have problems working with said salesman, you will be terminated because you are inhibiting the flow of money into our over sized pockets. We are unwilling to think of any other way to resolve problems if it doesn't involve us receiving more money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money. Money.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with us. We hope that you are here for the long haul. If we could, we would lower the amount of money you make every time you over achieve because we need more money. To conclude, more money please.'

And that was my meeting.

It was made clear that a salesman can do whatever he wants as long as the money is coming in. Even though I had done my best to help the problem of inefficiency, deception, and overall laziness to become resolved (as I was asked to by both the higher uppers and the salesman) and after all of the pain and struggling the salesperson decided it wasn't worth his time, I would be fired. Anything that I had done above and beyond my job without so much as a thank you, would be ignored and only my faults will be dwelled upon.

Now lets take a trip through the rest of my day.

This meeting motivated me to "go run errands" which included parking my car in a giant parking lot to make phone calls to each and every firm that I had sent my portfolio to.

I still haven't been able to get a hold of the top dogs to give them my spiel as to why they should hire me, but I did talk to a lot of other people within the firms that seemed very excited. I figure that if you can talk anyone into believing in you, then they will surely help sway the vote of the top dog.

I received a phone call last night from one place that had a very small department for my area of interest and because of this they didn't tend to hire often.

The woman who called me announced that she was sad about the lack of open positions because she was in love with my portfolio and resume and thought that they were extremely professional. She said that she planned to hand deliver it to her top dog with a brief overview of our phone conversation and that she would be sure to keep it at the top of the stack when a position became available.

There is still a possibility that they would want me to come in for a chat so I won't count them as lost just yet!

So, although a door has not become ajar for me to step through, I believe that this was a positive in my negative day. If my persuasion packet was able to turn her head, there is a good chance that others will be inclined to follow...

Keep your fingers crossed. I know I am.

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