Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Back on Track?

Well, the wedding went swimmingly and life slowed down and so did I. I have been lazy and having trouble motivating myself to get my flabby, little booty to the gym. So, my pudge is back in a *beautiful ring around my stomach. I complained of it last night and was told by the hubby that I must restart my diet at once or stop complaining. I'll take the first choice.

Of course my diet has always been my downfall. I love carbs and I love dairy though my body feels differently about this. It, on the other hand, has trouble processing this into anything other than thick masses of bubbly fat. Wanna throw up yet? Yeah, me too and I get to look at it full on naked in the mirror every day.

So, I've been pushing myself during this indulgent holiday season. I bring my bag stocked full of clothes, shoes, heart rate monitor and shower supplies to work every day. If I don't go home and go straight to the gym that's the only way I'll make it. Granted I'm not going to the gym every day. Sometimes I lug that overstuffed, bursting at the seems (literally) bag to work and home without so much as glancing at the gym as I speed past it as fast as I can with the guiltiest look on my face.

Motivation. I need some. In the form of a gym buddy. Now.

*Insert sarcasm here

1 comment:

Brady said...

Until you get a buddy, maybe we could check in with each other every time we work out. When you don't hear from me over a course of a few days, you can nudge me with an e-mail or call. And I will do the same.