Monday, March 2, 2009

Gray Hair and Wedding Weight Loss

1) Gray Hair: I'm getting them and it was pointed out by my hair stylist. However, I feel very fortunate to have made it this far without having more gray hair than I do. My mother, at the ripe old age of 22, had a sizable percentage of her locks in the silvery hue of maturity. I count my blessings for being 26 and having only 10 of those nasty little suckers.

2) Wedding Weight Loss: I'm getting there!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had another meeting with good old personal trainer lady and it was another round of high fives for me! I'm down another percent of body fat and this time I actually dropped a couple of pounds and more inches than usual. Of course I immediately drove over to the 'rents and tried on the dress.

Let's reminisce for a moment, shall we? When I picked up the beautiful gown a mere six weeks ago, I had to try it on before leaving the Wedding Shoppe premises. No big deal, right? Well, even though I had lost some weight since ordering/purchasing my attire for the big day, it took my matron-o-honor and the blushing mother of the bride to hold both sides of the back together while I sucked in as hard as I could. After getting my dream dress all zipped, snapped and buttoned, I felt like I was going to burst through the seams! My shoulders were scrunched into football pad proportions. There was some puckering on the hips that could be seen from a mile away and the seamstress said that would need to be let out.

Okay, back to the present, I slipped the dainty little frock over my head and began talking about the hair clip that I will be attempting to make for the ceremony when ziiiiiiiiippp!, without so much as a single breath or thought! It took one person and no sucking in! There's a little bit of puckering, but not bad at all! I may be able to do this thing!

New Goal: Instead of having the dress let out, having it taken in! How wonderful!

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