Monday, November 24, 2008

Anyone want to buy my house?

So, the finance and I have been enjoying our little town home in the 'burbs, but we have wanted something more. In all actuality, we aren't looking for too much more square footage. Just enough for a second bathroom. We also would LOVE a yard.

However, do to this wonderful economy, we are stuck in our home of 2.5 years until the market picks back up. Because that day is not in the near future but I wish it were, I refuse to give up looking at homes on MLS and dreaming of the day when we move to the southern side of Minneapolis (or Bloomington... east side only) to a beautiful, little fixer upper. Preferably from the early 1900's and no newer than the early 1970's. We would love only cosmetic fixes instead of structural and a yard that is a DISASTER... (it may remain a disaster for the first year while we design, redesign and design again our beautiful outdoor-space-to-be).

Until then, I will spend my free time watching HGTV and running through the MLS while visions of for sale signs dance in my head.

1 comment:

Brady said...

There's a house next to us in Minneapolis that's clearly priced to sell. It's still expensive, but it's just a few blocks from Lake Harriet. It has three bedrooms and 1.5 baths. It's got a yard, too!