Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Goings On of A Busy Gidge

My life has been topsy-turvy these past couple of weeks. I am insanely busy, and not just with work.

I am now the Vice President and Treasurer of a local association with national roots (no, I don't have to travel anywhere. This is an offshoot of a national social/philanthropic group and my duties are strictly stationed in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area)

In addition to my double trouble association status, the boyfriend has now requested that I begin some minor planning for our wedding before he gives me the ring. I'm not exactly sure why this is and what this means he has planned, but I think his fear is that by the time he gives me the ring we will not be able to book our venue for next year when the leaves change color (i.e. somewhere around October 3rd, 2009). So far, we have a guest list, a list of venues to request information from, a rough budget, and an overall theme.

I have three binders that are exploding at the seams with notes/minutes/meetings/pictures/information/ideas/etc. All binders follow me wherever I go. All binders are used daily.

I really, REALLY love to plan events, but I think I need a vacation!

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