Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Since Nobody Ever Reads This

Yeah, I know. I could pretty much say whatever I wanted because I have nary a reader!

Well, I haven't written in my virtually private blog as it has been a tough past couple of months.

To start out...

Many funerals, hospital scares (not me), and not a single firm to be found with a desire for someone such as myself.

Upon careful self-inspection, I have decided that I too would not find a single thing interesting about myself.

What puts me above the average? What makes me stand out? What do I have to offer?

Not a darn thing.

Not a single certification.

No designs/installations that look any different from someone attending a mediocre school or someone with nothing more than a simple urge to design and no education to back it up.

Well, okay. I have a little more than this, but I feel as though there is nothing special and haven't been able to pinpoint a single quality that would turn an employer's head.

Obviously, I have some soul searching and certification getting to do.

I need to live every cheesy chick flick about superficial girls in pink who decide to become someone.

I need a makeover.


Brady said...

I read your blog. And don't be so hard on yourself. You are plenty interesting.

Gidge said...

I truly apologize! I don't mean to whine so much...

I'll agree there are many a thing that can be considered interesting about me although none that have seemed to catch the eye of the seemingly unachievable employer.

As of late, I am feeling somewhat better because of a transition to working with someone who genuinely cares about my personal goals to become a true professional.

This has helped a lot.